Memcached in Cloud Website Hosting
If you host script-powered sites in a cloud website hosting account with us, you can add the Memcached memory caching system to your hosting plan with only a few mouse clicks through your Hepsia hosting Control Panel. The upgrade will be available instantly and, since the required PHP extension is pre-installed on our cutting-edge cloud platform, you can start using it right away. To give you more flexibility, we offer two separate upgrades related to the number of instances (in other words – how many websites will use Memcached) and to the amount of memory that Memcached will use. The latter is available in increments of 16 megabytes and you can add memory whenever you need. Logically, the more memory Memcached is allowed to use, the more data it will cache, so if you own a large-sized website with lots of content, you may require more memory in order to be able to make the most of the power that Memcached can offer you.
Memcached in Semi-dedicated Hosting
When you order one of our semi-dedicated server plans, you will find Memcached as an optional feature in the Upgrades part of your Hepsia hosting Control Panel, so if you want to use it for any of the Internet sites hosted in your semi-dedicated account, you can activate it with only a couple of clicks. The content caching platform is suitable for any script-powered web application like Joomla™, WordPress, or even a custom-developed application, and based on your demands, you will be able to select two separate things – how many websites will use Memcached, in other words – the number of instances; and how much info will be cached, in other words – the amount of system memory that the platform will employ. The two things are not tied to each other, so if you own a busy site with a lot of content, you can get one instance and a large amount of memory. The Memcached caching platform will accelerate the performance of your sites shortly after you enable it and both you and your site visitors will enjoy better loading times.
Memcached in Dedicated Hosting
If you buy one of our Linux dedicated servers hosting packages and if you choose Hepsia as your web hosting Control Panel during the signup process, you’ll get the Memcached distributed memory object caching platform by default and you can use it with each Internet site that you host on the dedicated machine without installing or upgrading anything. It will begin caching info as people access your website, so you’ll detect the result of using it shortly after that. The minimum amount of memory that will be available to the Memcached caching platform is three gigabytes and naturally, the more powerful the plan, the more system memory Memcached will have at its disposal. This amount will enable you to use the caching platform for a lot of sites or for an extremely popular website without weakening its effectiveness. The Memcached caching platform will allow you to increase the load speed of any database-driven website very quickly – a Joomla™ portal, a WordPress online blog, an OpenCart e-store, etc., and to improve the overall performance of your server.